Monday, November 29, 2010

Why Cant Is Fakku Not Working


you touch your lips.
full lips, lives and lips that scream their love in silence.
hands caressing a new neck, quivering passion
long contained.
embarrassed Eyes meet, tongues intertwined,
breathing becomes labored,
beats speed,
You make me feel free again
I will always love you I will
always love you ...

The eyes are closed and the world has forgotten.
There is only a paradise right now,
you and me.
And I would never end,
and would like to find a way to remember all this,
beyond broken promises and broken rules.
Remember your taste,
your warmth on my shoulders,
your hands on my face.

But it will be just a second,
a single moment
drunk and then ...
then it's all over,
will only regret.

You will only regret.

qaf 2x18 min 45 et seq


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