Monday, March 22, 2010

Strangling Woman Movie


P arliamo this.
We are here, now what defines our mind and accept as a present.
But a closer look at, what is happening now right now.
Where is this? The time that the mind causes it to live every moment to think what to do in a moment, half an hour, one hour.
Where do I go now, what do I do after what I'm doing, my eyes see a continuous sequence of images one after another, time after time, and so on.
I understand, after this discussion that this is an illusion, the mind of a living idea of \u200b\u200bmovement and continuity, not present.
But if we bring in more depth we can see clearly that any image that appears in the space of the mind giving way to the next sequence, in which fractions of a second "switch on and off" the images, continuity is apparent, the movement is apparent.
Yet the individual mind lives constantly, throughout his life, from birth to death in the belief that continuity of time and space.
Where is this?
exists in the mind can grasp the threshold, the transition from one state to another. It manifests itself in the thrill, the smell, taste, feeling the lack of action, occurrence, the moment when the time comes to life:
The smell of this.
The mind that knows itself, noting its motion: be born, a living, extinct, in itself, in its individuality but also all of existence is that since every motion itself is emerging around the motion possible, namely the universal whole life, without which the mind does not exist;
can capture the moments of alternation, the threshold between being in the mind which became Universe, totality, and be at the origin of the same unit, ie the absence mindful of his vital motion, through meditation.
In the discovery of his "being and not being" the mind calms down, the peaceful lands in their natural state of love which is peace, realize the Essence of Truth.
The mind can perceive this ceiling also in action (illusory), when he abandons himself completely to the flow of what sets off, forgetting the time, the other, the world, things, anything, to immerse in making and "forgetting" so that the individual acts in favor of the union between the subject and the thing that is being built, for unity that frees humanity from the chains illusory ego and its needs, desires, needs, constant need.
The mind can perceive also in keeping aware and peaceful alternation of appearances of the mind as such, serene so desires under tyrants, living without attachment it dreamy expectations, allowing the conscious alternation of birth, maintenance, death / transformation of the apparitions.
Forgetting oneself is essentially found around the origin of all means to find oneself.
means find a house, a house with no walls or furniture material, a house of silence and peace, joy and peace unparalleled.
architecture more beautiful because it is one from which you have originated, in which you were born and eternal home.
Remember in daily from time to time think about where you are, who you are, where you come from.
Stop the flow and abandon yourself to yourself without time, without this, eternal present.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Ladies Wearing Vintage Girdles

COLIBRI 'wonder / love

article from: symbols of nature

little bird that lives in the countries of Latin America and in the forests of 'Amazon. The peculiarity of this bird is given by the frequency of beats of his heart, ten times greater than that of humans, which means that in just one second he beat its wings 50 times.
Even more interesting however is the fact that this little bird of which there are several hundred species pollinates many as 85% the existing plants in those places. If this species disappeared within three generations there would be no more plants in the Amazon with the obvious consequences it brings.
paint a picture (very spiritual) and I put a hummingbird.
The next day I go to the cinema and a sailor shows her hummingbird tattooed on his chest and explains some features.
What surprises me somewhat.
I never had to deal with this bird in particular.
For me, the birds have always had a special meaning here, but there was an especially precise.
Then when I went looking for some information about him, everything about him was amazing because extreme.
His heart rate, speed of the beating of wings, not to mention the percentage of pollination that put in place.
My bird painting, appears in blue and clear, suddenly alone, which soars up and I take now, just now, concerning, amazement to see come out from the chaos of life represented in the painting, the bee hummingbird, flash of freedom, beauty, power without limits, without constraints than that of existing spontaneous.
Living, innate drive to express the love, harmony, come out of chaos, and there continue to be essential in spontaneity, a wonderful moment in capturing the love that emanates almost by itself.
Then I also remember the movie where to my amazement I see the bird to represent the excessive rate of a life consumed too quickly nell'anelito to life (which is love). The sailor, overcome by lust for life, let it consume alcohol and vice trying to swallow the life of surprising finding love lost in dreams of the mind away from its source, but always, is driven to seek it, continually in the way he is capable, which often determines the fate only because she does not know who he is and where it comes from .
Love in Action, this is the magic word that speaks of the hummingbird that is reborn with great astonishment, winds, constantly re-creating.
The hummingbird flies with its wings so quick to think that never touches the ground and in fact that's it, love astonishes the mind and crystallized slowly popping up in everyday life "Around the corner" bringing up again, in the heart, the hub of the leaf life-breath.
life at every turn we can show a little hummingbird, when you least expect it to take your presence here and now, in listening to the beat of life.
In the blink of his wings he forms an 8 symbol of infinity.
In this mental space I take and I am still amazed to discover how it all united under the sky, where my mind and the minds are one, and only appearance as life always comes back to be fertile, immensely fruitful in fact he's constantly sucking nectar, nectar everywhere fertilising spreading life to every step. Living on life, attachment to the life of a troubled mind following his destiny unconscious. Or knowledge of the mind in the action of living, and in this experience feeling, emotion rising by love itself, and spontaneous live, to exist and hence the need to give spontaneous life of the mind in turn, to love , to share and perpetuate this love, understanding that you are a loving, love that every (man / individual mind) is the one and only love himself, who lives in the mind of every individual. Love only creates and maintains life, its continuity, its unity. (Love is the perfect idea of \u200b\u200bthe mind to help find the peace that the mind itself dissolves joining his origin).
then reappears and wonder fills my heart with love of life.
I am surprised that I still have the desire to live, I wonder at the beauty of dreams, of the need for messy mind to return to the natural order, which is love, peace, which is love, beauty, which is love. I understand that if you do not stop loving, even in a stormy sea, a sunny day will bring, ALWAYS a hummingbird to talk with your heart, wonderful.
finally realizes fast and elusive in this picture of the hummingbird, the substance of the illusory image of the mind.
understand with all my being the dreamy nature of the apparition of the world.
understand that love is only the most beautiful dream, a bright pixel is turned insistent because the more natural shapes thought. Oh yeah I see the dream of love, I see the dream of life, I see the sense of the infinite free existence, I see Me (Soul) back home, Me Creator of a world of Love.