Saturday, September 5, 2009

Working Overseas On Terminal Leave Regulation


article taken from the series: SYMBOLS OF NATURE
The principle
The whale seems to be the oldest animal in the world. Symbol of what is unattainable, distant, even ancient archaic. If I think I see the whale throughout human history, see the connection between memory-space / time. But I also see the history of the form born of the water, unconscious-utero-ocean.
Meet the whale is how to resolve the contradiction individuality-all.
It 's the need to return to the beginning, the moment of birth of the mind, conception, dark and deep into the uterus to return to where you were born, to resolve conflicts mother to find peace in your lap inner
recognizing life in you and around you, without fear.
The whale becomes a symbol of the mind itself, the origin of the human mind from its beginning (conception) to what the mind perceives itself as now-time-space-action-memory. In embracing this animal symbolic
integrate the processes of the mind through all her sweetness, love transforms the anxieties and fears that emanates in his travel silent and harmless, in the calm waves of the ocean of life. Embracing the whale is like going back in the womb of humanity is so simple almost childlike love for humanity: Love as a spiritual quality that generates life in its essence, becoming accepted, integration of human life. Love as the sublime recognition, knowing that everything is born and remains in the mind and every mind that is caused by Love.
Conquer the whale is a deep desire to know-how is be total, re-integrated. It 's the need to overcome the narrow limits of the mind separate sufferer to feel part of the whole, loved, accepted, resurrected.
The whale is then the symbol of the principle, gestation, birth, your mother.
Find the whale and understand the source of your mind and the totality of the mind.
The unconscious mind gives way to unawakened.
The ocean in which it swims becomes ocean of light and consciousness where fear and separation are dissolved in the understanding, acceptance, love.
I think of those sailors who drove huge waves in the ocean and arcane to the conquest of whales. What really trying?
I think unconsciously looking at a completely unconscious, then using the power of oppression, of going to the knowledge of oneself, of going beyond our limitations, that they have lost love, the uniqueness that only a child in the womb unconsciously possesses.
The death wish which is hidden behind those actions impossible expressed the need to recapture the unconscious to recognize and overcome it, to die to the need for maternal love and become love.
But not enough to kill the whale was like killing the mother, the source of love and in this, kill oneself, one's birth, his existence, his mind and even more, it was necessary to go beyond all this, beyond the mind itself, beyond the individual, because at this point the mind yearns for more and more sought-after heights, she longs to join in full at its source is the origin of the mind itself, landing in the unfathomable immortality of the Absolute.


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