on Saturday I had a wonderful workshop with 25 children in this nursery, which I recommend to everyone: nature nurseries.
was just fun to go back to a laboratory, after so long.
the last was done here in the uk, the exit of the library in my first English book.
the weekend then it was concentrated mainly on the families enjoy at this time not too quiet, and then go to lunch and dinner quite substantial!
your belly grows, and begins to weigh! occasionally come out phrases like this: by Luke "but Judi, get out the handkerchiefs from the pocket of his sweatshirt "...." but Luke, I have no handkerchief in his pocket !!!!!"
or Saturday to the lab trying to pass between two classroom without considering my new prominence .. luca behind, ready "Judi .. no steps ..."
here's a picture of the current state of my beautiful bump!
enjoy it!
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