Tuesday, September 15, 2009

How To Fake A Kidney Stone


Color, vibration Light is a magnifying glass through which to interpret some of the processes of the mind.
The light is refracted into action in the field and in this attraction-contact and friction is generated color as seen by our eyes and energy that provokes in us emotions.
The color expression is therefore a moment of fusion, union between light and matter in motion through the action of light itself and the vibration of matter.
The colors of nature part of our sensitivity to subtle levels, emotional.
Each color shows a different process on the other going to different sensory perceptions and therefore stimulate different emotional responses. Their interpretation
therefore also assume meanings that become part of everyday life, reflecting the individual level in each emotional one.
color, that particular wonderful expression that fills all of creation, man awakens feelings that can stimulate and balance the emotional level by plotting the individual vibrations to harmonize with the vibration of the spontaneous and harmonious nature, bringing peace and prosperity.
The birth of color in nature can be defined as the occurrence in an energetic sense of the universal vibrations of light, through the rubbing of it in the field, in order to express the infinite continuity of infinity exist.
The color expresses the wish intrinsic life to continue to maintain and implement the systems is in the meeting of opposites: vibration and matter, heaven and earth (which generate new energy), as well as male and female (produce the child), water, earth and fire (generate nature) and so on. that is when something reflects and merges into another in a creative action that expresses beauty and harmony (harmonious expression of the universal in the individual).
The color shows the beauty that is the harmony of this ongoing creative meeting.
The spontaneous expression of the perfection of the phenomena in nature induces a relaxed state of mental-emotional, the dissolution of the usual crystallization of thought. The
mind, energy expression also originated within the universal vibrations always seeks its original state of serenity and natural-harmonic creativity.
In nature it is a mirror which effectively renew naturalness, beauty and harmony of thought.
do not even need a color to see its dazzling beauty and enjoy it peacefully, not born then any attachment or expectation. There is simply
admiration, pure amazement and pleasure.
Here, then, that the color turns out to be a spontaneous call to renewal of the natural source of love in yourself, love is peace, because where there is no desire to possess, there is peace. On the contrary every desire
brings with it many other needs, which prevent the mind to manifest itself in its creative and spontaneous flow instead of trying to achieve the desired objectives which, often arising from the restless mind why not aware, are not often be targets of quality ..


FUXIA: color of love, color of the heart, color of the soul, emotions. Awaken at the psychological feelings of joy and participation in, turn on the eye and exciting to play. Fuchsia, the game of the heart, the exchange of joyous love, sensuality, the kiss.
tender and warm embrace of joy welling up. E ' the universal love that is embodied in earthly things, especially in the love between people. Fed into the feelings and not repressed. E 'expression, love life into action. UNION

YELLOW : sublime color, strength of character, presence. Yellow embodies holding the conscious daring. It awakens feelings of emotional stability of stance. The yellow light shines, warms and nourishes nature. Yellow is a safe way.

BLUE : confusing, scattered, immersed in the psychic depths to hide. Blue strives endlessly but does not know. Blue is the night sky, there is nothing but a myriad of stars light up like a thousand thoughts and desires. Blue is the endless time, you can see the future. Blue is the long journey in the dream. Blue shadow lies that everyone casts of himself, in things not said, but in truth hidden love. Blue is the necessary rest, eyes closed in sleep to find new regenerative force and clarity. Blu exists only in our need to break down the barriers often repressed dream. Blue is the need for emotional stability.

BLUE: The discovery, unveiled the dream, clarity and ability to undertake an action.
Blue light is in the making, lucid and communicative attitude.
Blue vibrates with slight sweetness in nature and inspires feelings of grace, sweetness and tenderness.
Blue is the daytime sky that brings cheerful serenity and freshness.
Blue is the color for this baby.
Blue is the color of thought inspired, illuminated by the flash of intuition, and knowledge. Active Intelligence, intuitive interface. In the blue things in the world are living with conscious detachment and easy participation.

ORANGE : sagacity, Mature, 'attentive care.
Orange is a driving force and involves. Orange is the strength of a leader. It is intoxicating and vibrant light transport in an ecstasy of light, smells and recall the divine. Orange dispels doubts, makes contact with the Self lies dormant in the depths of psychic. Orange, in his reference to the distance, sunlight, awakens the need for truth.

RED: Colour of matter
strikes, resonates, attracts, enhances the appeal.
There is no escape in front of the red. Every sees and hears, touches him, if he can smell it, if you should want it.
Red is a powerful charmer. In the land there is not one with an attractive location, impossible not to notice.
Its vibration is so close to the body!.
On the other hand, does not refer to anything but itself, its dazzling beauty. It 's the color of the surface of the Lastly, if I break a real purpose.
Vibrant Sound-charmer, can mislead those who do not know how to look beyond appearances.

GREEN : Breathe with me, everything breathes in the void that exists between a cell and another. The green rests, relaxes, calms, soothes. Green is natural balance without excessive passion or excitement. Green leads to plunge in the damp, nell'acquatico, in what is feminine and passive in us. A little 'ambiguous because unknown and elusive, just as water, elusive. The green you never know really what it communicated and where you want to bring, but it is certain that wherever you lead will always be in a place that is within you, more or less deep, depending on your analytical skills and your confidence, to let you go. But it is a game that is always worth doing. Following the rhythm of the breath, to the heart of your inner green jungle. (Therapy)

PURPLE : Campanelli, violins, high-pitched sounds, vibrations of heaven. Run within the cosmic wind. Viola takes you in heaven multicolored, iridescent whole spectrum split into myriad fragments of light.
Purple, the color of the feelings, the color of hope, the prayer of color, color of the infinite creativity. Viola is also a feeling of genuine participation of subtle listening, sensitive but firm direction. Viola is not joy nor sadness, purple is guessed to be in the energy and perceptible only by the psyche and soul. Wear purple when voluntarily chosen the path toward the return to the search.

BROWN: Opposition, seeking what is lost beneath the hard shell. Immobility, instability, disease, seems to be no way to go. Under the hard, flat surface, beneath the wrinkles furrowed trunk or what suffers, opposes the living and flows. The look does not investigate, hold on and accepts his state, he knows that everything still is, under the apparent silence of the heart. Brown heats up the cold winter, huddled in the lethargy of the mind, waiting and slowly sees a warm yellow light filtering between the dark particles: is the light back to the present. Brown HOPE is contained in the same life: what appears is not what it appears to be off the inside is on and shine at the right time. Brown makes peace with oneself, acceptance and awareness that life is a constant opposition of light and shadow.
This color is in the mind gather itself, self-reflection, its earthly roots. Anchoring, grounding, inner stability, strength to face uncertainty.


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