Monday, November 29, 2010

Why Cant Is Fakku Not Working


you touch your lips.
full lips, lives and lips that scream their love in silence.
hands caressing a new neck, quivering passion
long contained.
embarrassed Eyes meet, tongues intertwined,
breathing becomes labored,
beats speed,
You make me feel free again
I will always love you I will
always love you ...

The eyes are closed and the world has forgotten.
There is only a paradise right now,
you and me.
And I would never end,
and would like to find a way to remember all this,
beyond broken promises and broken rules.
Remember your taste,
your warmth on my shoulders,
your hands on my face.

But it will be just a second,
a single moment
drunk and then ...
then it's all over,
will only regret.

You will only regret.

qaf 2x18 min 45 et seq

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Bible Black Origin Streaming


(possibly read listening this )

"I hope the time machine out of this vague nervous, forgive me of being nothing and having nothing to give you ..[...] and deluge you're even more beautiful. "

" You are water, and I live in your sea,
that I slide inside you are in your water now boiling,
us water,
not see, my love, we are water,
we finally something going, slides and turns,
us water,
without fear of death, to nullify,
us water,
I am you and you are me,
we are all lovers of the world,
are the continuous cycle of birth and does not frighten us,
is not death to scare me, though I have no form nor name.
no longer scare me to death if I live where the world has made room for me,
I'm water and I have no form,
I did not direction,
me rest,
air then come back, come back at all.
But there is a clock that beats his time, that cuts in this frame,
this water that turns stone
that divides the clock as you are today and how you will be tomorrow.
And I fear that this love will become something to watch with a smile,
I fear this love without boundaries become fluid and
a memory,
a mistake,
an eternal love that has vanished into thin air,
perhaps some might remember, some will remember as we were,
but no, in this' Car theres you and me,
and I'm not sure there is a "you"
and an "I",
there is something that perhaps not even have a name,
even though the man always strives to capture him,
with words, to be able to recall at least . "

Giovanni Bogani," Love by the hour "

Saturday, November 27, 2010

S675ip Configurar Correo


I'm drawn through. At the end of the first chapter shows a trucker mysterious. Of Following the first sketch of the character

also add this picture I made for an auto-French long ago as shown here is a nice cap with visor.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Can Polyps Be Removed From Gall

Water Maze

Damned bright lights, there still waiting to enchant you and trap you in their sweet innocence.
And so finish to get into a dazzling but dangerous maze.
Rationally you know you should look for an exit as soon as possible instead all you do is look around and advance to a point of no return.

And would you really get to that point
but again, you know you can not follow your instincts,
know you can not do what you feel
but always and only what you need .. . hoping to make it.

But this time it's hard

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Samson R10s Microphone Help


Hello everyone, after months of silence and pause, we are ready for new season this Friday 19 November 2011 discovery at 18 at our office we meet for the meeting in late 2010 that brought us great satisfaction especially due Omar (2 races won aasoluto), Roberto, Giulio, Gianfranco Angioni, and Paul, and to start to the 2011 season. Please do not fail because it is a bit that we do not see and we have many topics to talk about. After the meeting we go to New restaurant to eat a pizza together. Who wants to bring back the family is welcome, but as we welcome book is a confirmation by Friday morning, just give us a call or to Stephen Alexander.
Waiting to see you Greetings Team Skaten.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Fish And Temperature Lab


Never published illustration, about teen battle.

artwork ever published:

Adolescence as a naval battle.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Farting More After Stomach Flu

As Vico

Cycling cheeks now the cold cuts.
The city is gray, the leaves on sidewalks are now rotten. A small tear
defies gravity and stays there.
Between autumn already hard
and a young body that is boiling and there is no peace.
Enough! me cry inside, but does not work,
never worked and I fear that comes up even now.
So, as always, I appeal to my best friend
the only one that gives me some 'relief at times like this.
Nothing happened I was not thinking about anything.

Anouk But in the headphones.

"I know I still love you,
and I know you still care
I do not know much,
But I know how to love you.
That Does not Mean Anything
But I know how to love you.
[...] And that's all I need to know ... for now. "

And you do not know how long this will go on.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Instructions Science Museum Atm


New " random comics "By me, Vice-monthly magazine on Italy!

New Vice number of new and random cartoon!
its skills to the next issue me with a comic book without pictures.

This is the cover of the new issue, kill.

Let me also note that the Picnic is over 24 hours online Sun. thank Valentina we have included in the list of things pussies .

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Have Ever Been In Headscissors

Two years

Land to the north.
late morning of a day of celebration, but always dawn for those who took the wee hours.
The shutters are still down, the darkness is almost total.
They walk in his pajamas, holding hands.
One more time together once again with tangible emotion.
Nothing special on the outside, a shimmering purposes pound of light continued for two hearts that beat in unison.

730 days and be in love like the first day.
Falling asleep with the same dreams and never to be satiated.
look and see semper nuove earth
nuovi cieli osservarci ad.
Banalmente ... grazie.

Love does not look at each other,
is looking together in the same direction.
Antonine Saint Exupery di

Pediatric Walk In Clinic, Toronto
