Saturday, October 30, 2010

Do All Northfaces Have The Logo On The Back

"abbiamo Imparato has come volare gli Uccelli,
has come Notare i pesci,
but we have not learned the art of seeing as brothers "

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Best Friend20 Birthday Quotes


Limited posters on sale at Lucca Comics & Games , stand at the Super Friends. 10 For Each subject numbered copies.

At the Lucca Comics & Games I made these prints limited to 10 person.
Super A3, 32x45 on watercolor paper:

Here they are all together.
is a pine stand.
This animal represents the Cayman.
This is Iggy Pop as it drew Rolling Stone.
This is Lavinia, my first co-star, upcoming, graphic novels, plot.
Printing is Fichissima friccicano and saturated colors ...
... and sbarluccicano.
10 prints limited to the subject, written by hand.
penned by hand by me.

Since the strong sell, I recommend email me if you keep aside for intrigue. Cost 20 € and you can book by writing to ratigher (at)

or buy them at Lucca, at the stand of the Super Friends in the Hall Napoleon.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Magnetic Letters For Frames By Ganz

The Empty Mind "Before"

The darkness is as black as it can be seen only in movies,
the sun has set for several hours and the train runs.
long runs now, but the road is not over yet.
People pass, running, screaming, talking on the phone, listen to music.
I, as the latter.
Listening "guitar and voices for rainy days "nothing better after a day like today .
Today was one of those autumn days where you try to enjoy the last warm rays of the sun
that in a few days will be hidden behind large dark clouds heavy with rain.
Today, one of those afternoons where everything you want is to sit on a bench in the sun talking to a friend.

And then go home, open the door and find silence.
only a hot shower waiting for me.

"for me it would be important ..."

How Does A Healing Ringworm Look


Spier heads MAN! useless exercise, great fun.

I would have so many other things to do, but I really do not have stayed. The other night I dreamed of Spider-Man and so I decided to draw compulsively his mask, best mask ever.

1 - classic version, which is beautiful.
4 - underground comics version.
8 - version ruthless, the most successful in my opinion.

Viva Spider-Man

Monday, October 18, 2010

How To Get A Limo Lince In Toronto


Stickers design of fruit, main carachter of "life in 3000"

For the series "Life 3000", serialized in the pages of XL, I realized these two beautiful drawings of the star fruit. They were two stickers to launch the series. Too bad that there is no sound in modern sticker.


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Discharge Chute Trac Vac

GRAFIC Journalism

I did this drawing weird but good.

If you're good you can also buy it by going to Cesena. Below are all the news.

In Ladakh - Pictures and comics

From October 30 to November 7
Gallery Ex-
Fish Street Fish Market, 23
Cesena Cesena Comics

becomes fundraising in support of the Indian populations of Ladakh, hit in August 2010 by a terrible flood.
An exhibition of photographs and original drawings to tell a terrible and difficult journey in the lands devastated by the disaster. One way to wait Cesena listening Comics stories, exchanging words and images.
Photographs of Alexander Pedrelli stop the moments of first aid and document the actual state of damage and death toll.
Next to each step an illustration of an author of the Italian comic pledged to give us support in fundraising.
Each pair (picture + table drawn), inspired by the photography and expressly created for the project in Ladakh, "will be auctioned during ineed X Ladakh November 20 at Studio MUSTARD, Street Overpass 242, Int 2 Cesena .

Tiffany Granath Gay Husband

New home, new life without coughing

Sometimes when you tend, for a long time one thing is true when you confusing.
Even if that thing was your biggest dream in recent years,
even if that is the only thing that gave you the strength to go forward in sleepless nights,
although the situation is objectively the best
in which I could aspire.
But you're not happy.
Beffa of fate, infinite torture and senseless anxiety.
But it happens.
I will try to increase my pace and finally off the ground, as it once was.

I do not regret the times when I suffered
port the scars on me as if they were medals,
know that freedom has a high price,
high as that of slavery.
The only difference is that you pay with pleasure and a smile
even when that smile is wet with tears.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Kate Playground Mediafire


My last short story, "yawning black , On . It's in italian But drawings are international!

Want to read the whole "yawning black," my last short story printed on Hobbies Comics No. 3 ? Go to ziguline , a website that deals with photos, exhibits, drawings, parties and much more bubbly. Go there you see bubbling.

I sincerely thank Joseph

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Right Overy Hurts What Should I Do


In a mountain village,
there is a small park, just below the church.
There is a slide, two swings and little else.
children some 'grown up playing with what they find,
stones and walls of a house Plastic smashed.
A look from outside would almost indignant, almost
not understand.
Yet ..
How little is needed to be happy,
enough to see the people you care more about heart smile,
for example.
And I've seen, thanks .

Cesiomaggiore (BL )

How To Use Gps In Laptop


Art in salt. I need a new fast car, I know ...

I have to buy a sports car. I sell then these beautiful paintings I have done recently to gather enough cash in a convertible sports car.

"La Gioconda of stones" - 33X48 - various markers - 160 € sold
I remade the joyous occasion of an exhibition at the gallery World Pop Rome. It was an exhibition in which all heavily influenced by the joyous
"flying in the question-Romagna" - 24x33 - markers on tracing paper and gift card - 80 € This
is part of a series devoted to the daring. The design is on bright and transparent, as there is a gold card prismatic effect is a beautiful championship sandwiches.
"unbridled Tremiti islands" - 24x33 - markers on tracing paper and gift card - 80 € sold
same standard and technique of the above.
"doorway" - pantone markers and different - 73x48 - 200 €
This is big one, is comfortable in designer apartments above a fireplace design. You can also buy it and hide in a forest, if not goes away in a hurry I'll do the same.
look better details
colors are much brighter live but my camera is lazy.

If you like them buy them by sending an email
ratigher (at) hotmail (dot) com

Then I have to whiz!